All of our workshops summarized in the WORKSHOPS tab on the website are available to be taught online.  A typical virtual online sales training workshop consists of a series of 2-hour modules taught by a Peak Selling consultant.

You have a lot of choice on the topics and duration. You select the topics/skills that are most relevant to your sales team as part of our customization process. For example, imagine that you were interested in our Essential Selling Skills workshop but identified these three topics from that workshop as most critical for your sales team: 1) Roadmap for making a sales call; 2) Varying your selling style; 3) Handling objections.  Each of these would be taught as a separate 2-hour module. The modules would be taught on different days or weeks, depending on what schedule works best for you.

There are several benefits to selecting virtual online training as your delivery method:

  • The participants don't have to travel, which saves you time and money.
  • By scheduling a series of 2-hour modules, you don't take up the full day with teaching, which allows your people to stay in touch with their clients
  • The overall duration of the workshop is usually shorter than an onsite workshop because you select the most important skill modules.



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